23,5 x 15,5 cm
Edition: 1
32 pages


«My name is Juan and I am an explorer!». Juan everyday packs his schoolbag and takes an amazing adventure. He, as well as all the other explorers that go to school every morning, is very brave. You never know all the things that may run into. Maybe a huge animal… or you could get lost! However, in the end, Little explorers always find the way to their destiny.

This tender board book colourfully illustrated submerges us in the vivid imagination of a kid going to school. Because the way to school can be funny and exciting… A real adventure!

Almudena Suárez graduated in Geography and History. Later she studied archeology restoration, decorative painting, iconography and parchment lighting. For 16 years she ran an iconography workshop and has prepared children’s Romanic painting workshop. At the moment she is still discovering new dimensions of the illustration field. Explorers is the second picture book she publishes in Editorial Juventud,
after My Grandpa and I.

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