29 x 29 cm
Edition: 6
48 pages

My First Book of Quantum Physics

Everything around us, trees, stones, light and even ourselves, is composed of very, very, very small particles. This tiny universe, made of energy and matter, is governed by strange and surprising laws.

Start discovering the fascinating world of quantum physics with Dr. Albert’s help. This is the very first book to explain this subject to kids aged 9 (and their parents) in the easiest and funny way possible, focused on science teaching.

› Rights sold: English, French, German, Italian, Simplified Chinese (China), Russian, Korean, Turkish, Romanian, Polish, Ucranian and Chinese (Taiwan)

› British Book Design and Production Award

Sheddad  Kaid-Salah Ferrón

Sheddad has a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics and Pharmacy and a Master in Pedagogy (UAB University), he also studied Quantum Mechanics in the Stanford University. He is working as teacher of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in a high school for many years and he is a member of the Astronomical Grouping of Terrassa.


Eduard Altarriba

He had been working for two decades in graphic design and illustration fields and since few years ago he works in Alababalà, his tiny independent studio. They are focused on publishing services and the creation of their own proposals aimed at children. He likes making books, games, exhibitions, animations, apps and workbooks that are practical, instructive, meaningfull and, of course, fun.

› Fact Sheet
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