19 x 25 cm
Edition: 1
204 pages

Monster’s Tales

Adapted stories by Oscar Wilde, Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, Guy de Maupassant and many more

Classical tales about monsters or monstrous characters adapted to young readers as The Birthday of the Infanta by Oscar Wilde, The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving, A voice in the Night by William Hope Hodgson, or The Mask of the Red Death by Edgard Allan Poe and much more… Illustrated by the acclaimed illustrator Fabian Negrín.

›  Fabián Negrín has been awarded by Bologna Ragazzi (Non-Fiction) 2010

Fabian Negrin

He was born in 1963 in Argentina. He studied Graphic Design in Mexico and has been living in Italy since 1988. He wrote and illustrated more than a hundred children’s books for publishers like Orecchio Acerbo, Creative Editions, Bloomsbury, Knopf, Salani and Mondadori. Besides, he worked as an illustrator for numerous newspapers and magazines. Negrin is one of the most distinguished contemporary illustrators.

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