26,5 x 26,5 cm
Edition: 1
40 pages

When The Sea Disappeared

The loss of the Aral Sea is considered one of the worst ecological disasters in history

Alexander’s father tells him that the desert in which they live, years ago was a sea: the Aral Sea. It was a prosperous area that lived from fishing, but the authorities diverted the water from the rivers and dried up. Alexandre, impressed by this ecological disaster, will dream a solution to recover the Aral Sea again…

This illustrated album presents a historical reality: the ecological disaster that meant the disappearance of the Aral Sea. It wants to put the attention to the rational use of water.

Selected illustrator for «Sharing a Future» exhibition at Bologna’s Book Fair 2017


Francisco Sánchez

Is author of works like the graphic novels Los bosques de Upsala or Chernóbil la zona, which had an international projection and for which he received the Tournesol award at the Angoulême Comic Festival. He always tries that his works serve as social denunciation.

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