Asensio, Albert
He studied Graphic Design at the EADT. Later on he did a nine-month training course in illustration at Eina Art College in Barcelona (2006-2007) and two drawing and painting courses at Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design, London in 2009. In 2007 he started working as an illustrator for Spanish publishing houses such as Anaya, Juventud, Random House Mondadori, Teide, Cruïlla or Planeta and newspapers like La Vanguardia. Until now he has been awarded a Laus Bronze Prize for Fira de Tàrrega’s poster 2010 (Graphic design by estudi Miquel Puig), also awarded for the book Kim by Rudyard Kipling by Juventud publishing of the Banco del Libro de Venezuela, he has also 3 Junceda Prizes; for Best Book Cover, for Best Advertisement and for best Scientific Illustration and he has awarded with the Premi Llibreter 2017 in children book category with his book El Banc Blau.